Impact Areas

Inspiring high moral excellence

Strategic outcome

A generation of young people capable of functioning in the society as well behaved,productive citizens.

Foundation(relationale supporting initiatives)

At the same time serving as positive role model to coming generations after them


The provision of wholesome content as an aternative to what currently exists

Development of skills for allround success

Strategic outcome

A suite of program that upskill young people for future empowerment with skills such as coding, craft , artistry.

Foundation(relationale supporting initiatives)

Facilitation of employer-employee matching for apprenticeship and long holiday jobs.


Program design and delivery based on the tenets of the Christian faith

Creation of self-development opportunities

Strategic outcome

Programs that encourage and provide a platform for showcasing the paths and benefits to young people to engage in self advancement activity

Foundation(relationale supporting initiatives)

Support for young people engage in online entrepreneurship and traditional MSME activity


Operations scaled using digital technology and leveraging multi-sector partnerships.

Provision of learning support

Strategic outcome

Direct contributions and crowding in of resources to suport the most vulnerable with formal education scholarships and other forms of learning aids.

Foundation(relationale supporting initiatives)

The provision of access to digital devices and experiences to improve the chance of those at the lowest socio-economic classes accessing and fitting into a global digital future.


Ensuring inclusivity in targeting program beneficiaries across all socio-economic classes.


If you are looking for someone to talk to, we are always available to listen. Book a counseling session with us today and let us walk through your concerns with you.
